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Most of the MOTAT Society’s monthly events have been trips away to look at the work of others, from mechanical and historical restoration to innovative bookbinding and pottery. So when the opportunity arose for a hands-on opportunity to explore my own creativity I for one jumped at the chance alongside a small group of MOTAT Society members.

Intro to Expressive Printmaking

Toni Mosley is a Printmaker and Educator with a passion for artworks on paper. "Having taught for over 20 years, she loves working within the community whether this is with pop-up print

workshops or art classes she teaches to all ages, as well as creating work in her studio, Blue Bathtub Press. Toni has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in NZ and overseas."

Browne School of Art

To view some of Toni’s work visit her on or Instagram: @tonimosleyart @bluebathtubpress.

Our morning workshop with Toni M introduced us to the process of Monotype printing, also known as the painterly print process. Toni took us through its history and showed us some great historical examples such as Three Ballet Dancers, by Edgar Degas. We learned about reductive and additive monotypes, how to use the hand press, and then we were let loose to experiment ourselves.

We have some real artists within the Society and their one-of-a-kind prints were fantastic. It took me a few tries and a bit of ink on my face to relax into it but it was a lot of fun.

Unfolding Ideas – An Introduction

Toni Hartill is “primarily a printmaker who also creates unique artist books and sculptural works. Common themes in her work include a love for the natural environment, explorations of environmental concerns and a fascination for the strong ties that come with connections to "place". Toni regularly exhibits in group and selected shows, enjoys participating in collaborative projects and is currently working towards her 2nd solo exhibition.”

Browne School of Art

To view some of Toni’s work visit her website at or find her on Instagram and Facebook: @tonihartillart.

Our afternoon workshop was an introduction to simple folded structures for creating artists’ books. Toni provided us with several precut bright sheets of paper and went through different methods of folding 3 dimensional books showing us some beautiful examples prior to our trying each method for ourselves.

At the end of the session, we were able to continue working with other papers such as music sheets and maps to experiment with our own artists' book.

Both workshops were so much fun and viewing the work of artists in both monotype printing and 3-dimensional artists' books was definitely inspiring. I am looking forward to creating more artists’ books using my own monotype print papers. Thanks to the two Toni's for their patience and brilliant teaching, to Makyla and Alan Curtis for introducing the two Toni's to the Society, and to Studio One Toi Tū for providing us the space to learn and create.

Words by Jodie Cawthorne

Photos by Jodie Cawthorne and Toni Mosley

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