The MOTAT Society held its 2023 AGM on Wednesday the 13th of September 2023 with the usual AGM processes - obits for the previous year, annual financials, and election of the committee members.
This year we were grateful to be given a very interesting and entertaining presentation from MOTAT Staff and Society Members Christen McAlpine, Head of Registry and Emily Hames, Assistant Registrar about their roles within the Collections team at MOTAT 2. (Keep an eye out for an article about this presentation in the next edition of Squeaky Wheel).
The Committee would like to farewell Henry Swan and Ross Goldsworthy as they stand down from the Committee and would like to thank them both for their continuous and dedicated contribution to the Society, both in their continuing capacity as volunteers and as members of the MOTAT Society and the MOTAT Society Committee.
The Committee would also like to welcome two new Committee members, Kate Newton and Bryna Foster, both MOTAT Staff members.
Therefore your 2024 MOTAT Society Committee is as follows:
John Tutchen - Chairman
Makyla Curtis - Deputy Chair
Alan Curtis - Treasurer
Bruce Wild
Peter Burch
Bill Rayner
Scott Pilkington
Kate Newton
Bryna Foster