As everyone is tired of hearing from all quarters, it’s been a difficult year for obvious Covid-related reasons. Despite that, we in the MOTAT Society have had a fair degree of success and have built on the platform laid in 2019.
Of note, this month we report the successful holding of our AGM (eventually) after delays caused by repeated Alert Level alterations.
I am pleased to welcome Makyla Curtis to the committee table whilst farewelling outgoing member, Evan James, due to a recent house move and heavy work commitments. Our thanks go out to Evan for his sterling work over many years and we wish him well in his efforts to juggle his new-home set-up, work and the sorting of his collection of ephemera.
Re-elected Committee Members are: John Tutchen, Henry Swan, Alan Curtis, Peter Burch, Leyton Chan, James Duncan, Bruce Wild, Ross Goldsworthy, and Bill Rayner.
As I mentioned, our success continued from last year with the holding of three successful excursions for members - all we could manage due to the Lockdowns and Alert Level changes. These days-out will carry on in 2021 with a list of destinations already planned. Look out for these and do join in. They are free to members and are a great opportunity to visit various heritage-related venues, view interesting objects and seeing the sites. Our most recent trip was a visit to the MOTAT Off-Site Storage Facility, an impressive and enlightening excursion detailed on page four. A look inside the Air NZ 747 simulator with all lights flashing was a pre-trip bonus with the chance to sit in the left seat.
On the formal front we have again participated with RFA in the joint appointment process for new Board members. Following a strained selection procedure due to remote meetings, Zoom calls etc we are very happy to welcome Mr Tupara Morrison to the Board of Trustees of MOTAT. Dr Bruce Hucker continues in an extension of his appointment. In addition we thank Mr Michael Spraggon for his devoted service over his term and wish him well in his new appointment at Stardome.
As you may have read in the news, Auckland Council have merged RFA and ATEED to form a new entity titled “Auckland Unlimited”. We look forward to continuing our relationship with Auckland Council as 2021 unfolds.
Due to the Covid-delayed AGM timing our new committee has postponed the December meeting until late January. The executive will be elected at that time and confirmed to you via our Events & Announcements newsletter.
In the meantime may I take this opportunity to wish all MOTAT Society members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are in the position of being able to celebrate in near normality (an opportunity afforded very few countries worldwide) so make the most of it and we look forward to seeing you in 2021.
Yours in heritage, John Tutchen
Chairman, The MOTAT Society.